Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Doing some catching up Sarah Style

I have really neglected this blog lately. The holiday season snatched up all my time. I am going to do a quick catch up with some pics to get me back on track.

The first picture to share is the lil miss Diva's pink poodle costume. I bought it off someone on Ebay and it was a tad bit small but we made it work. Isn't she the cutest?
The second is from Sarah's cousins birthday party. Evelyn had a tea party that had a fashion show too. She was able to pick out her "fashions" then strut her stuff down the runway. Let me tell you she was not shy at all, she just worked it like she had been strutting her whole life. Very diva-licious!

This last picture came from Sarah's cousins cell phone. Elizabeth has a great camera on her phone. I couldn't believe how well this turned out. We were visiting my brother in Virginia and the kids were all playing together. Check out the blue sky it was over 70 degrees that Thanksgiving weekend. It was so amazing to be playing at the park instead of freezing in the house.

1 comment:

parso2 said...

Hi aunt Jess!!! I sooo <3 this websie and this website!